Joomla Alias

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To assign another domain, just copy/past the 'if' function and edit it with the values of the other domain in the same fashion. Further to setup the template views, you will have to assign different module item/link alias and setup template views within the Joomla! Template manager. The alias setting is needed when you use SEF settings. I have a client who would like to have the built-in Joomla search include the alias of an article as a 'searchable' field. This doesn't need to be an optional that the user selects. Simply put, the user should be able to find an article with 'foo' in the alias, by entering 'foo' into the search engine. Jan 17, 2014 Aliases in Joomla are short pieces of text that represent the title of certain items (Menu items, Articles and Categories) in a machine-friendly format. This format allows only lowercase letters and dashes (-). Aliases are used by Joomla to make Search Engine Friendly URLs. There are technical limitations to the types of characters that can be included in URLs, so Joomla prevents problems with. It's simple, the alias field is used by Joomla routing engine - and all SEF/SEO components piggybacking on it like sh404SEF - to create the search engine friendly (SEF) URL's for your site. So, deserves your special attention, if you want to do a SEO optimization for your site.

3 reviews


This native Joomla 2.5 and 3.x plugin automatically generates new aliases for all your joomla articles in one step by using the title from each article. It gives you the ability to choose between the joomla transliteration aliases or joomla unicode aliases.

Joomla provides a great system for creating aliases for each article by using the article-title. But if you need to change between transliteration or unicode then you have to create new aliases manually for each single article. When editing an article there is a spot near the title to edit the alias. So you can do this manually. But what if you don't want to have to spend many time for this? Wouldn't it be nice if this is done automatically for all your joomla articles in one step directly in the database? That's what this plugin is doing.

Whenever you have one of these problems:

  • you have to switch from transliteration aliases to unicode aliases in joomla configuration
  • you have to switch from unicode aliases to transliteration aliases in joomla configuration
  • you won't switch between unicode and transliteration but you have wrong aliases (e.g. some date- and time-stamps)
  • you have manually given aliases for your articles and you like to switch back to the title-aliases

then the ALIAS-Generator is your solution.


Aliases are short pieces of text that represent the title of your Joomla Articles in a machine-friendly format. This format allows only lowercase letters and dashes (-).

Aliases are used by Joomla to make Search Engine Friendly URLs. There are technical limitations to the types of characters that can be included in URLs, so Joomla prevents problems with invalid characters by allowing you to specify an alias.

You can fill in an alias yourself. If you leave the alias field empty, Joomla will automatically create an alias from the Title field of an item when it is saved. This means that if you edit the title of an item, but you leave the old alias in its field, the alias (and the URL that is created from it) will not change. Empty the alias field if you want generate a new alias.

In joomla configuration you can choose the way how joomla is creating these aliases. You can choose between 'Transliteration' and 'Unicode' aliases. When saving edited content, the former setting attempts to convert, where appropriate, any alias text into the corresponding Latin characters. The latter setting leaves any non-Latin characters in the alias text unchanged. Changing this parameter does not retroactively change aliases, it just changes the behaviour of automatic alias generation for future content editing and creation.

Joomla Alias

Fusion 360 pris. Now you can use ALIAS-Generator to do this also for all your existing articles automatically in one step.


Last updated:
Nov 28 2020
5 months ago
Date added:
Dec 19 2014
GPLv2 or later

Drupal Alias

Paid download

Joomla Alias Not Working


Uses Joomla! Update System


Aliases are short pieces of text that represent the title of your Joomla Articles in a machine-friendly format. This format allows only lowercase letters and dashes (-).

Aliases are used by Joomla to make Search Engine Friendly URLs. There are technical limitations to the types of characters that can be included in URLs, so Joomla prevents problems with invalid characters by allowing you to specify an alias.

You can fill in an alias yourself. If you leave the alias field empty, Joomla will automatically create an alias from the Title field of an item when it is saved. This means that if you edit the title of an item, but you leave the old alias in its field, the alias (and the URL that is created from it) will not change. Empty the alias field if you want generate a new alias.

In joomla configuration you can choose the way how joomla is creating these aliases. You can choose between 'Transliteration' and 'Unicode' aliases. When saving edited content, the former setting attempts to convert, where appropriate, any alias text into the corresponding Latin characters. The latter setting leaves any non-Latin characters in the alias text unchanged. Changing this parameter does not retroactively change aliases, it just changes the behaviour of automatic alias generation for future content editing and creation.

Fusion 360 pris. Now you can use ALIAS-Generator to do this also for all your existing articles automatically in one step.


Last updated:
Nov 28 2020
5 months ago
Date added:
Dec 19 2014
GPLv2 or later

Drupal Alias

Paid download

Joomla Alias Not Working


Uses Joomla! Update System

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An alias field is required for the SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URLs for accessing items on the website. SEF URLs are URLs which make sense to both humans and search engines.

For example, if there is a database of planets, then an SEF URL would be something like:

Snagit 21. instead of something like

You can switch SEF URLs on or off through the Joomla Global Configuration, Site tab, SEO settings.

Step 1: Database Field

Define the alias field to be not null and unique. To add the alias field to the database record.

For existing tables,

The, create unique index:

2. XML Form

Next, you need to change the back-end XML form definition for the alias field:

Step 3: Model File

The getListQuery() function of the model has to be changed for providing the alias information to display in the list of items.

Step 4: Layout File

To display the alias in the same way as it's shown in the com_content, edit the defauly.php file in the tmpl folder as:

Step 5: Table

You have to make sure that the alias is unique, and doesn't contain characters that aren't allowed in URLs. You can do this by overriding the JTable::check() method. The function check() is called before saving the record. Hence, you can override this to ensure that the alias field is not blank and has bad characters stripped out using the JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe() method.

This will check both records entered via the admin form, and those entered via the front-end form. The unique index will ensure that alias values are not duplicated.

Add the following method in the table class:

Joomla Alias Crossword

After adding the alias field, you can create router for the component.

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